Girl Running, 1980, plaster, polyester and wax, 35x25x25 cm
The Little Prince, 1979, polyester, plaster and wax, diameter 40 cm
Little Red Riding Hood, 1982, polyester, wood and oil paint 30x20x20 cm
Woman in Poses, 1984, wood, polyester and oil paint, 50x10x16 cm
Woman in Poses, 1984 (detail)
Woman in Poses, 1984 (detail)
Woman in Poses, 1984 (detail)
Woman in Poses, 1984 (detail)
Three Horizons, 1986, wood, polyester, plaster and oil paint 90x25x80 cm
Nine images, 1990, plaster relief, polyester and water color, 80x60 cm
A man sitting by a house, 1978, wood, polyester, brass, plaster and oil paint, 45x20x20 cm
A man on a wheel, 1999, wire and wood, 32x8x24 cm
A man with a Dog, 1999, wire and wood, 45x10x30 cm
A bird on a Dog, 1999, wire and wood, 30x10x30 cm
Women in line, 1999, wire and wood, 45x29x20 cm
The Runners, 2010, wire , ICLAY. Each figure height about 10cm, the size of work is changeable